Coffee Appetite

We have found the solution to our daily struggles with food and weight with this amazing Coffee. Coffee is one of the most important commodities on earth, with over 18 Billion Dollars of revenue in 2018 alone. In the United States consumers drink on average 3 cups per day. This, plus the fact that coffee is the most consumed beverage worldwide, means our coffee appetite is important to us.

Coffee Appetite

Additional Coffee Appetite Statistics

According to E-Imports, the National Coffee Association and the Specialty Coffee Association of America conduct annual surveys regarding coffee consumption each year. This collected data can be extremely beneficial to anyone wishing to start a business or just have an insight into coffee consumption. So who’s drinking all this coffee? Well, in the United States, 50% of Americans above the age of 18 drink coffee. As I mentioned before, Americans drink an average of 3 cups per day. But what about other countries?

Finland is the Top Coffee Consumer

Coffee Appetite

Finland drinks the most coffee per person per year. They consume about 26.5 pounds of coffee each year or about 11 cups per day. But don’t forget, not all the people in Finland drink coffee. So somebody is drinking a lot more. Hardcore consumers drink over 14 cups per day! The following is the list of consumers of coffee after Finland. Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, Brazil, the US, Japan, and the UK round off the top 10.

American’s Coffee Appetite

That’s a bunch of coffee. The US probably consumes more coffee than Finland because we have a much bigger population. That being true, Americans drink about 400 million cups of coffee per year. It sounds crazy, but it’s true, according to 2018 statistics. Wow! But we have a slightly different type of coffee I’d like to introduce you to. Your Coffee appetite helps you maintain or lose weight by decreasing your food appetite.

Having Your Cake and Eating Your Cake Too can be a problem.

As we enjoy great food, we watch as we gain weight slowly and steadily. We can even try to counter this by replacing meals with nutritious and low-calorie shakes. We trade bad choices for good choices, so in theory, we will still be able to enjoy Fine Foods in the evenings. Leaving us with a constant battle – weight gain, weight loss, in an unending cycle.

Then I found SlimRoast Coffee. Everything changed when I found this solution. So I could have my cake, and eat my cake too! And the solution was as easy as changing my morning cup of coffee? Literally – that’s it – I didn’t change anything else!

Having My Cake and Eating It Too (After I found my Solution)

Coffee Appetite

This is where “coffee“ comes into play. Plus, I am able to share this with those around me. It is wonderful. I literally feel like I have found the secret to weight management. But I have no intention of keeping it a secret and literally sharing it with anyone I can.

  • No need to change our lifestyles around this.
  • No need to exercise!
  • No need to be on any Special Diets!
  • This Scientific Wonder will allow you to literally eat your cake and lose weight!

Let’s face it Life is stressful enough.

The Family, your Job, the bills, and all the other stresses of life can truly test us. We don’t deserve to suffer from the extra stress of excess weight and fat. And let’s face it, we need a helping hand, and it is here in the form of delicious Coffee!

Your Coffee appetite provides a method to lose weight. The fat literally melts away. Get yours today!