SCIENCE News and Facts

This page will present Science News and Facts concerning a wide variety of subjects. Consequently, these subjects will range from information about animals, plants, invertebrates, machines, technology and more. So please check back often as I continually update this page with interesting items.

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Coyote News and Facts

Coyote News Facts will cover the basic science facts concerning Coyotes and share the latest news about them. Coyotes are members of the Canidae family (Canines) which includes wolves, dogs, foxes, and jackals. Learn more about them HERE.

Coyote News and Facts

D-Day 75th Anniversary

I give thanks to all the men that were killed and survived D-Day. On this D-Day 75th Anniversary of the June 6, 1944, Allied invasion of Normandy to liberate France. A vital battle of WWII. Learn more HERE.

Giraffe News and Facts

Giraffe News and Facts will share facts about the world’s tallest land animal. It will also include the latest news on giraffes. These are fascinating animals that from an evolutionary standpoint, are somewhat of an enigma. They have a unique anatomy that appears designed specifically for the Giraffe. See more HERE.

Giraffe News and Facts

Trees – Their Edible Parts

Many trees are edible and you can discover them in The Book of Lost Herbal Remedies. This article will take a closer look at the bounty that may be waiting for you in your back yard. In some trees, you can eat the stems, bark, flowers, seeds, roots, berries, and fruit. Natural Remedies can also come from trees and other plants. Learn more here!!

US and World Population

The world population continues to rise but in very specific ways. People in power have been saying that our population growth is unsustainable for decades. Consequently, entire countries have taken steps to decrease the rise in population in their countries. Only to find that it was a horrible error in judgment. Visit HERE to learn more.

If you are looking for Health and Fitness you will find it HERE. If you are looking for Health-Related Topics look HERE.