Sports have always been around, since the very beginning of civilization.  People need an outlet because all work and no play is just boring. We make events out of our physical need for competition.  The Olympic Games were started because of this need.  When I was deployed with the Marines to Peru I saw an amazing spectacle. We were camped out just outside a little village during a joint training exercise with the Peruvian Commandos. Every evening the entire village would turn out to play soccer. The men would play first and then the women and children would compete. It was really fun to watch, and the laughter and joy it brought to them were heartwarming.

The World of Sports and Training

We cheer for our favorite teams, and players and even travel to support them in their feats, fights, and events.  As we locate interesting finds to improve or encourage Sports, we will add them here. It is our desire to give your burgeoning athletes an advantage over their competition. We not only want them to succeed but excel!

Affordable Training Equipment by RDX

Get Affordable Training Equipment by RDX. You will love this website if you’re looking for sports equipment with an emphasis on boxing and fighting sports.

Motorcycle Necessities and Desires

Looking for the very best motorcycle necessities and desires? You’ll find them on this fantastic website. They have every accessory you can imagine with all the safety gear you’ll need. Visit my Motorcycle Necessities and Desires page for more information.

Power Skateboard

This portable powered skateboard will give you hours of fun! It’s so portable that it fits under the seat of a commercial airliner or in the overhead compartment. Yet, it provides hours of effortless cruising. Learn the details here.

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