STAKEBASE – Crypto Exchange

No, this is not a recipe for steak marinade. Welcome to BITGEX, you are about to connect to what many experts are saying is the wave of the future concerning Cryptocurrency. We are talking about access to Proof of Stake Coins. STAKEBASE is access to Bitcoin Green (BTG). It is the version of the Bitcoin that is considered “Green” or ecologically friendly.

Cryptocurrency and STAKEBASE


Cryptocurrency has become today’s virtual currency. So no matter how you look at it, Crypto is molding our future financial exchanges. Wasted resources like paper money and metallic coins will come to an end as we prepare for our future. Proof of Stake is far more efficient, quicker to transit, and by far better for the environment. Because everything related to the “costs” of Cryptocurrency is virtual.

Well, let me clarify

Well, that’s not exactly true. The electricity still must be generated to access the crypto exchange. Computers, servers and other hardware still must be created and maintained. Then you have the needs of the users that also take up resources. Quite frankly there is no completely virtual solution. Cryptocurrency is much more cost-effective than conventional currencies, but no system is perfect.

STAKEBASE (Crypto-Exchange) will be the Future One World Currency because it’s economically and Biblically inevitable.


BITGEX is the only Cryptocurrency Exchange and Wallet we recommend for working with and for staking Crypto. If you don’t know about Cryptocurrency you just stumbled upon the GOOSE that laid the Golden Egg of solutions. With STAKEBASE, vetted by Crypto Experts, COINS are allowed onto the platform or exchange. And only Crypto coins that are able to be Staked are allowed into this exchange. Making this the first and best platform for Proof of Stake Coins.

What is Staking?

Staking is one of the ways of mining cryptocurrency. By staking, you are providing the Network support to find more blocks and at a faster rate! The Cryptocurrency era is here, and with it are multiple opportunities for people to make money. Staking is one of the easiest ways to make money in the crypto.  So what exactly is staking?  

What does it Represent?

Staking simply stands for holding a cryptocurrency in your wallet for a fixed period, and as a result, earning interest on it.  The reward a person earns from staking varies depending on the duration of the time that they hold the stake. As a result (generally) the longer the stake duration, the higher the returns. I say generally because the market, just like the stock market, can fluctuate. Timing is important, but not critical.


Early sign-ups will receive reduced trading and staking fees. SO REGISTER FOR FREE TODAY!

Fully-automated and web-based: No technical knowledge or downloads required. Just sign up, log-in and start.

Proof-of-stake (PoS) mining made easy: Use your coins to secure the network and earn block rewards.

Block Rewards

According to Frankenfield, “Bitcoin block reward refers to the new bitcoins that are awarded by the blockchain network to eligible cryptocurrency miners for each block they mine successfully.”

So, each bitcoin block is about 1 MB in size and is used to store the bitcoin transaction information. For example, when A sends money (Bitcoin) to B, this transactional information is stored in a block. Miners who use mining devices to find new blocks are rewarded for their efforts through block rewards. Other cryptocurrencies have a similar mechanism for rewarding miners with blocks of the respective blockchain. So, if you fill a block with Bitcoin you get rewards of additional Bitcoin.


STAKEBASE powered by Bitcoin Green

An energy-efficient and sustainable cryptocurrency. Because so many people today care about their Carbon Footprint.

Detailed analytics dashboard: Watch your balances grow in real-time and receive notifications. Furthermore, this is all about the power of knowing and having access to real-time data.

No lockups and instant withdraw. Be your own Bank. Just say no to controls on your money.

Significantly lower trading and withdrawal fees: It’s time to end the high fees for users in Crypto. Don’t pay more than you have to. Because (BITGEX is disrupting the disruptions!) Fees can and have gone from acceptable to insane in other sites. Reject the waste, because this is about making everything better.

What are some advantages of staking cryptocurrency (Coin)?

Prior to the understanding and deployment of Proof of Stake, many people invested in the heavy costs and operation of “Mining” Equipment.” These are special computer hard drives that specifically for mine bitcoin. One of the main advantages of staking is that it removes the entire need to invest in mining hardware. Eliminating this hardware greatly decreases the waste involved with Bitcoin mining, which is better for our environment. Because what’s better for our environment is usually better for all of us.

Since there is no mining equipment to buy, store equipment and pay for its energy needs, things become much more economical. Furthermore, you just need to purchase the coins and hold them in your wallet. The next thing to do is to sit back and watch as your wallet balance grows in value. It’s a very easy way to make money.

Additional Advantages

The other advantage of staking is that it gives you a guaranteed and predictable source of income. That’s because the coin value increases in predictable figures. It’s the same as putting money in a fixed account. You always have the guarantee of getting your money back. You have no guarantee of a rate of return, but your initial stake and your earnings are secure. Your STAKED COIN is always there earning you money – Safe and Secure.


STAKEBASE was designed and created with a few key objectives in mind.

STAKEBASE aims to help streamline the staking process by making it super easy for non-technical users to get started. Setting up your own staking traditionally using the old Bitcoin system required an understanding of Linux, cloud server hosting, and other technical subject matter. But not with Stakebase, because we do all the hard work, so you don’t have to!

STAKEBASE is designed to be a marketplace for sustainable cryptocurrencies. Proof-of-work, the technology used to secure the original Bitcoin network, uses more energy than many countries in the world. But with Stakebase, we believe the mass adoption of proof-of-stake is the path to energy-efficiency and long-term cryptocurrency viability. And that “Green” focused marketplace can help us achieve that goal.

Become a User and Get Your Own Dashboard

Stakebase makes staking affordable! With their referral program, if you get 5 people to sign up, then the platform can be free for life! Receiving 20% of 5 peoples’ fees means you pay 0 fees, assuming those 5 people stake and trade as much as you do on average. Sign up and open your user dashboard for more information on our referral program. Seems like all you can gain is growing the future as you help spread the word. Because together we can do far more together than we can apart. Furthermore, this is a Company taking Compliance and the Future of Cryptocurrencies to the next level.

Additional Notes and Advantages to the STAKEBASE Platform

STAKEBASE is the first cryptocurrency exchange allowing users to automatically earn proof-of-stake along with master node rewards on their deposited coins. While this is done without any technical knowledge being required, it is also leading the way towards the future of Cryptocurrency. Masternodes allow the Coin to maintain and function. This is all something handled now through the structure with STAKEBASE, so you don’t have to worry about it. Because this is more of a solution based Community, the requirements and needs for insane overheads to be part of the Crypto Community are over. Welcome to the better way. Welcome to STAKEBASE! 
