Birthday Party for Jesus

I attended this years’ “Birthday Party for Jesus” on December 6, 2019. It is an annual celebration that was started by the North Carolina Area 4 Gideon Camps and then spread to include Area 5 too. Consequently, now these Birthday Party for Jesus celebrations are occurring in other locations as various other areas in North Carolina, the US, and the world realize their worth. It is a Christmas celebration specifically to build fellowship among the Gideons and raise money for Bibles. It was held at the Old Rock School in Valdese, NC and we had a wonderful meal, fellowship, and celebration of Jesus’ Birth. But let me explain further.

Birthday Party for Jesus

Luke 2:9-12 An Angel Speaking to Shepherds

“And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”

Birthday Party for Jesus Meal and Entertainment

Birthday Party for Jesus

We had a wonderful meal catered by Myra’s Catering. With chicken, pork, potatoes, green beans, salad, roll, and carrot cake. It was very good and also too much to finish for some. As we blessed the food and partook of the food, we chatted with each other and said hi to old friends and met new people. Then after we finished our meal we adjourned to the auditorium. The stage was decorated with a beautiful Christmas motif with Christmas trees, garland, and lights. Then the singing group “Mercy’s River” stepped onto the stage. They were amazing! They sang several songs and then sang intermittently throughout the celebration. It was wonderful. I love music so they were the highlight of the evening for me.

The Point of the Birthday Party for Jesus

Birthday Party for Jesus

So, what was the point of this celebration? Well, it was for the Area 4 and Area 5 Gideons to raise money, out of their own pockets, to buy Bible to be distributed to people who don’t have Bibles. This always results in men, women, boys, and girls coming to the saving knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. That is the primary goal of the Gideons – winning souls for Christ. We do that by getting Bibles into the hands of people who don’t have Bibles. And also, personal witnessing and putting Bibles into the “Traffic Lanes of Life” like hotels, hospitals, and many other locations. Last night we raised over 66,000 from Area 4 and Area 5 Gideons. Furthermore, every penny will go to purchasing Bibles to distribute, free of charge, where they are needed the most.

I Love “The Gideons International”

I love the Gideons and I’m proud to be a Gideon. I’m honored to serve my Gideon Camp and serve my Lord as a laborer. “Then saith he [Jesus] unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38

I thank God that He called me out to be a laborer for the harvest. Have a blessed day!

The Gideons International

To learn more about the Gideon Ministry please visit their website at this link, The Gideons International. Or, just ask me.