Helium Hot Spot

You have just found an incredible service and great technology with the Helium Hot Spot. It’s also a great way to get involved with your community. This is a revolutionary way to earn income! Best of all, it’s available to anyone! We are talking about some incredible technology, and you are going to want to get in on this. Because it’s not only good for you but great for your community!

Helium Hot Spot

Start by getting a Helium Hot Spot for yourself. Order one, get it, plug it in, and get connected. The installation is self-explanatory and comes with easy instructions. Then if you decide you want to be an even bigger part of this. There are ways you can make this happen!

Connect Internet Ready Devices with your Helium Hot Spot

First, you get your Helium Hot Spot, and you activate it. From there you are able to connect millions of Internet Things and devices in your city. This benefits your community by eliminating dead zones. So, the more people in the network, the better the coverage.

Own the Network

You are part of thousands of partners working to build this into a huge success. Hence, you participate in joining a network that belongs to the people. Not the telcos (telecommunication companies). This is sharing the $Trillions in income from the telcos around the Globe with people from all walks of life. No more lining the coffers of a few, but giving to the People. This is the largest wealth redistribution process in the World today.

Earn Tokens

These Hotspots will earn you the new Helium cryptocurrency. Hotspots act as Blockchain miners for the Helium Blockchain. So, owners can earn the new Helium (HNT) cryptocurrency, for building the network and transferring IoT device data.

Connect Millions of IoT Devices throughout your Community!

Helium Hot Spot

Devices like Smart pet collars, bike trackers, or any compatible Internet of Things (IoT) device can connect to Hotspots. You can send data to the internet and there is no need for Wi-Fi or cellular.

Get started here by ordering your own Helium Hot Spot. Get 1, 2, or more, as many as you want! Start with just 1 to see how it goes, and connect with our incredible support team here with the Performance Giving Network. They are also available to show you how you can help deploy these anywhere in the World. Visit and see how you can be an even bigger part of what we are doing in your community. As well as, Communities around the entire Globe. Because this is something we are planning to share with as many participants as possible to improve global communication.

More Info about Helium Hot Spot

Do you want more info? See how this all fits into how the Performance Giving Network is unfolding. Furthermore, realize how we are going to be taking this awesome method of wealth redistribution and access to technology to people around the World.

You’ll see other components to this Wealth Re-Distribution process with our Paid to Chat program, our Paid to Game program, and when you are ready for more, see our Paid to Watch TV programs Free TV, that provides premium television. As we develop more ways to share the wealth while improving global communication we’ll share it with you. This is a massive movement and you can get in on the ground floor!!!

Current Hot Spot Map May 2020