King David Preface, Dedication, Acknowledgements

My Book “King David” Conflicting Worldviews was my first book. It started out as a secular book and those chapters are 2-15. I modified the book to reflect my Christian Worldview as I mention below. I’ll be posting about 1 chapter per week. We will start with King David Preface, Dedication, Acknowledgements. I hope you read and enjoy my book and the information I empart in chapter 16. Also, while you are on my website, please look around and use my embedded Links when you shop. I appreciate each and every one of you.

King David Conflicting Worldviews


The science fiction story within my fiction book was written while I was a compromised back-slidden Christian, so my story has some sensual moments and a few periods of violence, but nothing worse than a modern Hollywood PG-rated movie.  I hope you enjoy my book.  I also pray that you discover how to avoid the pit-falls that led to my compromise.  This can only be done through the reading of God’s Word, Bible studies, research into the true history within the Bible, and research into the true nature of Earth, our universe and our God.


I wrote this book for my Grandchildren, April, Ashley, Stephanie, Brooke, Courtney and Ricky.  I love you all very much.  I hope you read my book, enjoy the story and then glean the wisdom and knowledge that God has shared with me, throughout this wonderful life that He blessed me with.


I would like to thank my sister-in-law Brook Brown for proof reading my manuscript.  I’d also like to thank Angie Austin for proof reading my manuscript and sharing her endorsement.  Angie said that my science fiction story was, “brilliant and interesting” and I thank her for those kind words.  Their generous gift of time and effort are greatly appreciated.  I’d also like to thank my precious and wonderful wife Sharee Brown for proof reading it and sharing her thoughts and corrections.  I love you Sharee!

I would also like to thank Ken Ham and his ministry Answers in Genesis for bringing to light my need to be true to my faith and to trust the Bible as the ultimate written authority in the universe.  My faith and knowledge have grown by leaps and bounds since discovering Ken’s ministry, and I now have a much stronger faith in my Lord and Savior Jesus, the creator, master and sustainer of everything.

I would also like to acknowledge the ministries, The Institute for Creation Research and Creation Ministries International for their amazing resources that have also contributed greatly to my faith and knowledge.

Last, and most importantly, I’d like to thank God for his precious Word, the Bible, God’s inspired, inerrant, infallible revelation to us.  Without the Bible we would not know the vast love and compassion that God showed us by giving the gift of his precious son Jesus to die for our sins, so that we could have eternal life and the precious gift of a permanent relationship with the true creator, master, and sustainer of the universe, our almighty God.

Set for a while with a delicious cup of coffee and a good book!

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