Liver Support

Our liver is under constant attack. That is why Liver Support becomes so important. Take a look at the article below and find out how to optimize your health.

What do I mean by a constant attack?

Liver Support

The liver is the primary filter of the body.  It has about 400 different functions, but one of the most prominent is that it filters our blood.  As our blood circulates through our livers, toxins, heavy metals and metabolic waste is filtered out.  This keeps the dangerous things flowing around in our bodies to a minimum.  Unfortunately, the more toxins we have in our livers, the less effective our liver is at filtering out additional toxins. That’s part of the reason why I said, “our livers are under constant attack.” That’s just part of the attack. Visit HERE to see more.

Toxins and Liver Support

          These toxins include food additives like nitrates and nitrites, heavy metals in our air, food, and water, pesticides and synthetic fertilizers and many more pollutants.  Fast food and highly processed foods are other sources of food additives, including food coloring, preservatives, and fillers.  Tattoo ink is another source of dangerous toxins.  All of these have a deleterious or damaging effect on our livers.

What are the symptoms that show our livers are struggling to keep up with this relentless onslaught of toxins?

  • Fatigue – constantly tired
  • Weight Gain or Failure to lose weight
  • Headaches – Including Migraine
  • Digestive problems like bloating, flatulence (gas) and acid reflux (heartburn)
  • Constipation – difficulty in emptying the bowels
  • Pain in our liver area (right upper quadrant of abdomen)
  • Skin discoloration (jaundice) in severe cases
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Moody, depressed or anxious
  • Rosacea – the red color of facial skin – nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin
  • Bruise easily

How do we improve the health of our liver?

Fruits and veggies

First, we need to increase our intake of fruits and vegetables.  They have vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients that help our liver thrive.  Just make sure they are thoroughly washed to remove pesticide residue.  You could also invest in organically grown crops.  Juice is concentrated nutrition that will help detoxify your liver.  Juicing fruits and vegetables will ensure you get enough servings.

Alcohol: consume in moderation

Second, DO NOT drink alcohol.  It is toxic to your liver taken in moderation, or even more if getting staggering drunk.  Moderation only decreases the damage, it doesn’t eliminate it.  If you must drink, detoxify your liver often.

Third, drink lots of water and add a little lemon juice.  Lemon juice is a powerful detoxifier.  A great detoxifying drink includes a mixture of Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, and water.  Yummy!  He said sarcastically.  It doesn’t sound too tasty, but it’s great for daily detoxifying treatment for your liver.

The Solution for Liver Support

Fourth, choose supplements that help detoxify your liver.  A great detoxifier is Liver Support Plus.  These supplements contain ingredients like Milk Thistle, Beets, Chicory, Dandelion, and Artichoke leaves.  Other things you can add include Marigold tea and water with lemon.  It’s also important to take adequate B vitamins – specifically B2, B3, B6, B12 and folic acid, as well as, vitamin C.

What types of foods help detoxify your liver?

Citrus fruits for their vitamin C, foods rich in B vitamins and protein, like high-quality fresh meats, poultry, nuts, and beans are very important for liver health.  Sulfur rich foods like garlic, onions, leeks, broccoli, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and eggs are equally important.  Selenium rich foods like raw Brazil nuts and sunflower seeds are especially helpful to rid your body of the effects of alcohol and other toxins.

Liver Disease

There are over 121,000 people waiting for liver transplants in the United States alone. That’s because the Liver is one of the most sought after organs for transplantation. So, Liver disease, Liver Cancer and Liver damage are very prevalent. A liver rescue by taking Liver Support Plus has a far better health outcome than the alternative. Alternatives like Liver cancer, Liver disease or liver transplant. A Liver Cancer diagnosis has a high mortality rate, so obviously, we want to do everything we can to avoid that. There are no guarantees no matter what you do for Liver health, but it’s always better to err on the side of caution.


Detoxifying your liver can make a big difference in your overall sense of well-being and your overall health.  Give some or all of these methods a try and see the difference.  If you just don’t feel like taking the time to use all these methods, the other option is to take a specific supplement for liver support, like Liver Support Plus. While it’s not the most comprehensive way to detoxify your liver, it is the most convenient way.

25% discount for your next order on Liver Support Plus: Code VTA25

Boost Energy and Help Detoxify Your Liver

Another great product from the same great company helps with weight loss, boosts energy and provides an added bonus. It helps detoxify your liver. Take a look at its health benefits HERE.